It’s easy to use Relicorps. As a seller, you can easily create an account and start listing items for sale. We take authenticity seriously, so our team will review all listings and remove any that look suspicious or violate our community rules (see below).
Listing an item is free and you can list as many items as you like.
To keep the lights on, we do charge sellers an 6% fee on all sales.
If you can list 50+ items you will get the reduced fee of just 3%.
All transactions go straight to you directly from the customer! We are not involved in the transaction process and will never hold your funds from you. You'll simply be charged the fees after the sale.
Commission payments are due within 14 days of the sale. Failure to settle these payments will result in restricted access to your account.
For the safety and security of the community, we also do not tolerate transactions to be taken off of our site. Sending your personal information, contact information, email, etc is prohibited in messages and you will be removed from our site if you do so.
Live-Firing weapons other than antiques are forbidden on Relicorps, only deactivated weapons with certificates that meet the current regulatory standards in your territory and the territory you're selling to are permitted. Sellers of edged weapons and deacts must take every step to ensure the buyer is 18 years or older.
Replica & Imitation Firearms are permitted on the site but its the sole responsibility of the seller to ensure the buyer adhere's to the rules under the Violent Crime Reduction act 2006.
For more information check our Terms & Conditions.
If you ever have any questions or need any help, feel free to contact us through the site and we will promptly reply.
© 2024 Relicorps.